Annoncering af DES Efterårsmøde 2024

Annoncering af DES Efterårsmøde 2024

event_note Dato: 28-05-2024

DESorienteringen indeholder denne gang:

  • Annoncering af DES efterårsmøde i Aarhus om metoder i social ulighed i helbred – save the date: 7. november 
  • Pre-meeting workshop d 6. november i Aarhus for yngre forskere om metoder i social ulighed i helbred 
  • NordicEpi 2024 i juni – vi glæder os – og det er fortsat muligt at tilmelde sig.

Hvis du har et arrangement eller et stillingsopslag der skal med, så send dette til inden d. 1. i hver måned.

På vegne af bestyrelsen
Gro Askgaard, redaktør

DES Fall meeting 7th November 2024 in Aarhus

Now we can finally unveil the theme of the DES Fall Meeting 2024: "Methods to study social inequality in health". Among confirmed speakers are Sam Harper (McGill University), Else Foverskov (University of Copenhagen), Birte Larsen (CBS) and others. The Fall Meeting will take place on 7th November 2024, at 10-18 in Søauditorierne at Aarhus University. The annual general assembly for 2024 will also take place at the Fall meeting. Registration will be opened in July. Link to the program with the full list of speakers here.

Pre-meeting Workshop 6th November 2024 in Aarhus

In conjunction with the Fall meeting mentioned above, we are pleased to announce a pre-meeting workshop specifically aimed at early career researchers, which will offer a practical introduction to measuring socio-economic position using the Danish registers with Cathrine Fonnesbech Hjorth and Maja Halgren Olsen from the SEP-line project. Participants will also have opportunities to discuss their own work with their fellow young epidemiologists. The "Methods to Study Social Inequality in Health Pre-meeting Workshop" will be held the day before the Fall meeting on 6th November 2024 at Aarhus University. Registration for the workshop will open in July 2024, with a maximum capacity of 25 participants. Link to the programme.

NordicEpi 2024 – registration is still possible

The 11th Nordic Conference on Epidemiology and Register-Based Research, "NordicEpi" is approaching, and we are excited to see many of you. The conference will be held at University of Copenhagen, City Campus (CSS) on June 12-14, 2024 and the programme can be found online here.
We now count almost 400 registered participants. There are still some spots left: