DES 30-Year Anniversary Meeting 2022: Epidemiological developments - past, present and future

Mødet fandt sted d. 25. oktober 2022 kl 9:45 til d. 26. oktober 2022 kl. 12:45 på Storebælt Sinatur Hotel & Konference i Nyborg


Epidemiological developments – past, present and future

 DES 30-year Anniversary meeting 2022

Date: Tuesday October 25th 2022 to Wednesday October 26th 2022

Location: Storebælt Sinatur Hotel & Konference, Østerøvej 121, DK – 5800 Nyborg 

Day 1 

9:45-10:20         Arrival, Poster hanging and small breakfast 

10:20-10:30       Introduction and welcome, Chairman of DES 

10:30-12:00 Session 1 – Epidemiological developments – Where have we been and where are we going? 

10:30-11:15 Professor Emeritus Allen Wilcox, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, USA

  • The Art of Scientific Investigation

11:15-12:00 Professor Irene Petersen, Institute of Epidemiology and Health, Faculty of population Health Sciences, University College London, UK

  • The interactions between Epidemiology and Electronic Health Records Research: A national and international perspective. 

12:00-13:15 Lunch  

13:15-14:15       Lecture competition

Junior researchers are invited to submit an abstract of their own research for the lecture competition. Based on the submissions, up to 6 researchers will be invited to present their work and participate in the competition to win the 2022 lecture competition award.

14:15-16:00 Session 2 – DES Anniversary session (incl. coffee break 15:00-15:30)

Past presidents of the Danish Epidemiological Society will take us down memory lane and present highlights of Danish epidemiology and the role of the DES throughout the past 30 years.

  • Thorkild I.A. Sørensen (1982-1987) – Epidemiologisk Forskningsgruppe
  • Merete Osler (1995-2001) – DES and Danish Epidemiology in the 1990’s
  • Ulrik Kesmodel (2005-2011) – DES and Danish Epidemiology in the 2000’s
  • Lau Thygesen (2015-2018) – DES and Danish Epidemiology in the 2010’s
  • Julie Werenberg Dreier (2022- ) – DES and Danish Epidemiology today and beyond

16:00-16:30 Announcement of the 2022 Schroll Prize and presentation by the recipient

16:30-17:30       Break, Check In

17:30-18:30 Poster Session and mingling

18.30-        Gala Dinner

Day 2 

9:00-10:30         Session 3 – Simulation studies

9:00-9:20 Senior Researcher Xiaoqin Liu, National Centre for register-based Research (NCRR), Aarhus University

  • Antipsychotic exposure during pregnancy and child school performance

9:20-9:40 Assistant Professor Andreas Rieckmann, Section of Epidemiology, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

  • Disentangling common combinations of potential causes of a health outcome 

9:40-10:00 Researcher and consultant Henrik Støvring, Steno Diabetes Center Aarhus

  • A discrete time semi-Markov model for prediction of Covid-19 hospitalizations in Region Midt 

10:00-10:20 Professor and Head of Department Theis Lange, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen

  • Use of stochastic simulation in national predictions of the Covid-19 pandemic in Denmark

10:20-10:30 Q&A

10:30-11:00 Coffee break

11:00-12:30      Session 4 – Psychiatric Epidemiology

11:00-11:30 Niels Bohr Professor John McGrath, National Centre for register-based Research (NCRR), Aarhus University and Queensland Brain Institute, Australia

  • Reflections on the Niels Bohr Professorship – highlights and contributions to psychiatric epidemiology

11:30-12:00 Professor Merete Nordentoft, Mental Health Center Copenhagen and Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen

  • The 10-year plan in psychiatry - How can epidemiologists contribute with building evidence to support and evaluate initiatives and interventions?

12:00-12:30 Professor Reiner Rugulies, National Research Centre for the Working Environment

  • Epidemiological considerations when studying social and psychosocial determinants for psychiatric disorders and mental health

12:45-        Concluding remarks and Grab and Go Lunch

Formand, Julie Dreier, byder velkommen.

Formand, Julie Dreier, byder velkommen.

Allen Wilcox holder oplæg.

Allen Wilcox holder oplæg.

Præsentation af poster.

Præsentation af poster.

Daniel Borch Ibsen vinder Schroll Prisen for excellente yngre forskere 2022.

Daniel Borch Ibsen vinder Schroll Prisen for excellente yngre forskere 2022.

Jubilæumsmødet blev afholdt i smukke omgivelser.

Jubilæumsmødet blev afholdt i smukke omgivelser.