DES efterårsmøde 2021 havde temaet: Epidemiological Perspectives on COVID-19 vaccines – Effects and side effects

Dato: 26. november 2021, kl. 10:00-20:00
Lokation: Storebælt Sinatur Hotel & Konference, Østerøvej 121, DK-5800 Nyborg

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the hopes of returning to pre-pandemic life without social distancing and lock-downs have primarily been founded on development of effective and safe vaccines. Quite astonishingly, such vaccines have been developed and provided with a speed few had imagined possible.

However, vaccines have often given rise to controversy and with the unprecedented speed, it has required substantial efforts to obtain adequate data in almost real time on their safety and provide the evidence needed for far-reaching societal decisions on their optimal use. In this year’s DES fall meeting, we will bring together a range of leading Danish experts to present their findings on the effects and side-effects of COVID-19 vaccines, and discuss how epidemiology (and epidemiologists) can play a vital role in building future evidence.


Epidemiological Perspectives on COVID-19 vaccines

– Effects and side effects

DES Fall meeting 2021


Date: Friday November 26th 2021

Location: Storebælt Sinatur Hotel & Konference, Østerøvej 121, DK – 5800 Nyborg

10:00-10:40 Arrival, Poster hanging and small breakfast 

10:40-10:45 Introduction, Vice chairman of DES, Julie Werenberg Dreier 

10:45-12.15 Session 1 - Establishing a link between the AZ COVID vaccine and severe thrombotic complications: Clinical and epidemiological experiences from the early stages.

10:45-11:30 Professor Anton Pottegård, Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine, University of Southern Denmark.

  • Sources and validity of data to assess risk of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia

11:30-12:00 Professor Anne-Mette Hvas, Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Aarhus University Hospital 

  • Clinical Manifestations and management of Vaccine-induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia

12:00-12:15 Questions and discussion

12:15-13:00 Lunch                                        

13:00-14:45 Session 2 – Practical experiences and methodological considerations when studying vaccine effects and side effects.

13:00-13:30 Associate Professor Dorte Rytter and Associate Professor Bodil Hammer Bech, Department of Public Health, Aarhus University. 

  • Experiences from the BiCoVac project – A population perspective on studying vaccine effects.

13:30-14:00 Professor Christine Stabell Benn, OPEN, University of Southern Denmark.

  • What we learned from studying the overall health effects of vaccines: non-specific effects and sex differences

14:00-14:30 Professor Ole Søgaard, Department of clinical Medicine Infectious Diseases, Aarhus University Hospital

  • Experiences from the ENFORCE project.

14:30-14:45 Questions and discussion

14:45-15:15 Poster session and coffee break 

15:15-17:00 Session 3 – Vaccine effects and side effects – What, how and when to communicate to the public?

15:15-15:35 Journalist Daniel Greneaa,              

  • Fact-checking the vaccine debate – (Mis)use of research in the public debate.

15:35-15.55 Kirstine Moll Harboe, Deputy Director, Chief medical officer, PhD, Danish Health Authority

  • Risk communication in light of the fast-tracked approval of COVID-19 vaccines.

15.55-16.10 Short break

16:10-16.30 Professor Michael Bang Petersen, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University

  • How to secure trust in COVID-19 vaccines – Insights from the HOPE project

16.30-16.50 Family Medicine Specialist Urfan Zahoor Ahmed - General practitioner, Storehuslægerne and External Lecturer, Section for General Practice, Copenhagen University

  • Low Covid-19 vaccination rates in Danish minority groups – challenges and opportunities

16.50-17:10 Questions and discussion

17:10-17:15 Wrapping up

17.30-20:00 Dinner

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